Sermon Series

Welcome to our Sermon Archive page. You'll be able to find our most recent sermon series. Click on the the sermon series icon to open the playlist. If you're looking for something older, click the link at the bottom.

The Good Life
Get Outside
Advent 2024
Family Matters
We God's People
Galatians - In Conclusion
Galatians - Bad Fruit, Good Fruit
Father's Day
Galatians - Choose Wisely
Mother's Day
Galatians - Moving Forward Without Looking Back
Palm Sunday
Galatians - Aligned
Galatians - Aligned
Galatians - Setting the Stage
The Ugly Side of Christmas

The Christmas season and the Christmas story is often heartwarming and sentimentally sweet. Over the centuries, we’ve polished away the rough edges and are left with a neat, sanitized version of the birth of Christ. But, that miraculous event in history did have an ugly side. In this series, we’ll take a look at the ugly side of Christmas, and see how God has redeemed if for our good and His glory.

Going Fishing

Going Fishing: When Jesus called his disciples, he said that he would make them fishers of men. Any good fisherman has spent years honing his craft, learning the ins and outs of making their catch. They’ve learned from others, studied the waters, and gone out on the water. At FBCRR, we want to be a church full of fishermen, fisherwomen, fisherkids, and fisheradults! In this series, we’ll look at our part and JESUS’s part in becoming the best fishers we can be. Along the way, we’ll also talk about local, national, and international missions to discover what we’re doing to take the Gospel to the nations, and how you can be involved!

Zone Coverage
When Jesus Builds His Church

FBC Round Rock is preparing to celebrate 175 years as a church here in Round Rock, TX.  That’s a lot of years depending on an amazing Savior.  So, as we prepare to celebrate on September 17th, we’re going to look at Jesus’s words in Matthew 16 where he talks about building his church.  We’ll see what it looks like “When Jesus Builds the Church.”

Crime & Consequence

The Bible contains numerous stories of sin and the resulting consequences.  Some consequences are predictable, while others shock us and leave us wondering what in the world is happening. There has to be more than what is on the surface.  In “Crime and Consequences,” we’ll seek to unravel the mystery behind some of the Bible’s most notorious punishments.

The 6000 Challenge

Our church vision is to be A Church Where Every Person In Our City Can Experience New Life In Jesus! In 2023, we are challenging ourselves to take that new life outside our church walls! The 6000 Challenge is a challenge for our church to collectively have 6000 faith conversations in 2023. A faith conversation is a three minute conversation where you discover someone’s spiritual condition, share with them how they can receive salvation in Jesus, or help the grow by takin a step forward in their faith. Through this challenge, we believe God will change lives and change our community!

Together for the Holidays

Getting together with friends and family is a central part of most Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year celebrations. While it is often the joy of being together that is essential, this togetherness has a spiritual side as well. This Christmas, as our church comes Together for the Holidays, we’ll also see how some of the same things we love about family togetherness is echoed in the story of Jesus’ birth.

Oh the Places We Will Go!

Dr. Suess’ classic book, Oh the Places You Will Go! tells of the adventure of discovery as someone sets out on a new chapter in life. Some of those places are easy, some are hard. Some are predictable, some catch you off guard. The same can be said of the Christian life when we live on mission with Jesus. We never know where we will wind up, but we do know it will be worth the adventure if we are with Him. These two messages help us remind ourselves to be bold as we go places with Jesus!


Have you ever noticed that kids are always changing? Just when you think you have finally figured out what’s going on with them and how to parent them, they flip a switch and start doing something new. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a way to predict what was coming next so you could be prepared? Well, PHASES is a series that goes along with a new Parent Resource that we have available at FBC Round Rock. This series, and the resources, will help you be prepared for the different phases kids go through, not just to survive them, but to enjoy them and capitalize on the opportunities to lead your kids spiritually as they mature. It’s just a phase . . . don’t miss it!

Life After Roe

In June 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States overturned the almost 50 year old ruling in Roe vs. Wade. This ruling sent the decision on the legality of abortion back to the state level. For many states, that meant abortion immediately became illegal in most cases. In other states, that is not the case. How should Christians and the church respond to women and children in these crisis pregnancy situations? This two-week sermon series will help answer those questions from a biblical perspective.

Summer in the Psalms

Each Summer we spend time in the Worship Book of the Bible: The Psalms. The Psalms address every situation we face in life, helping us thrive in seasons of victory and despair. No matter what you are facing, this study will help you see God at work in your life.

Forward in Faith

Our church has a long history of faithful ministry in Round Rock, TX. What was begun by Baptist missionaries from New York in 1848 is still producing fruit today. But, each generation, from the 19th century, to the 20th century, and now the 21st century needs a fresh vision for how God wants the church to focus in reaching our community and our world. This series shows where we have been, and reveals were we are headed by the year 2030 as, with our new vision, we seek to be A Church Where Every Person In Our City Can Experience New Life In Jesus!

King of Thorns

In the Bible, thorns are a symbol of the curse of sin. But since that curse in the garden, God has been redeeming the thorns. When the crown of thorns was placed on the head of Jesus, it was done in mockery. Little did the Roman soldiers know they were the first to crown the earthly head of the heavenly King. That crown represented the shame and pain of humanity, but that wasn’t the end of the story. God redeemed that crown and turned it to glory. He wants to redeem the thorns in your life as well!

Kingdoms in Conflict

As time goes on, there seems to be more and more conflict between our Christian worldview and our culture’s worldview. It seems we become more and more diametrically opposed each and every day. Sadly, this is nothing new. The Kingdom of Heaven has been in conflict with the Kingdom of the World since the early days of creation following the Fall. It’s a reality of our existence this side of redemption. In this series through the book of Daniel, we’ll discover how Daniel dealt with two kingdoms in conflict: The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Babylon. There are many parallels with our current crisis, and as we see how Daniel responded, we can respond in a similar way.

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