
RightNow Media

Say hello to the streaming library that inspires faith in everyday life.

Instantly stream biblical teachings from over 150 leading Christian publishers and ministries plus more than 20,000 biblical videos, all available from any device.

Choose from more than 2,000 wholesome, educational, and entertaining videos for kids and families in the RightNow Media library.

The RightNow Media streaming library is a free gift from us to you.

Simply click here to get your access to this exciting and inspiring digital library.


Just as God did with the early church in Acts 2:41, He continues to add to our church. Each month that goes by, we receive new members into the fellowship … by letter, statement and baptism.

In the interest of insuring that you have what you need as a member of FBCRR, we have designed this page for use by our church family.

Bylaws of FBC Round Rock
Proposed 2025-26 Budget
Electronic Communication Special Rules