Women's Ministry

Women's Ministry

Our women's mininistry invites you to grow with us through special Bible Studies, mission opportunities and fellowship events.
Our goal is to connect women from all walks of life, helping them grow in faith together. Our events provide a great opportunity to get to know each other and to encourage and love each other as well.

Ladies Book Club

We now have a night time AND day time book club!  Same book, same location, same day (4th Monday)!  Just 2 different times!

Book Club Ladies will discuss “Drenched in Light” (#4/5 of Tending Roses series) by Lisa Wingate, on 4th Monday, 2/24/25 from 6:30-8:30 pm AND 1:30-3 pm in Sanctuary Cafe (between coffee area & library).

336 pages.  NO church library copy.

Grandma Rose always said two folks might go along the same path, but how they walk it depend a lot on depends a lot on the shoes they’re in.

An ungrateful heart makes an unhappy life.

She can feel God in everything.  He touches her with His fingertip & her heart is drenched in light.

Join us for fun, food & real discussions!

How does this book turn you back to The Bible?


Text Debi Pysell for daytime book club 832.579.8350

Teresa Danford at edanford@austin.rr.com / 512.567.7775 or Charlotte at CharlotteBrinkley@gmail.com / 713.294.6167  for nighttime book club